Options Oracle: 07/09/2011

Please go back to last weeks Options Oracle report and review what wassaid before continuing on with this weeks report. Also be sure to reviewthe video from last week. Once you have done this, look at the currentchart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average so you can see how well thetechnical signals are working out. I want you to have a clear picture ofwhat we are doing so there is no confusion as to how we are going toproceed with the next part of our Condor position.

[hana-flv-player video=”http://themarketguys.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/TOO_070911.mp4″ width=”650″ height=”450″ description=”” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]

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About AJ Monte

As a premier trading consultant, AJ is one of the most sought after in his field. He teaches professionals specialized techniques on how to accumulate and protect wealth through innovative market techniques. TheMarke__404+

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