This video will show you The Put Option.
Fan Patterns
This video will show you how to properly draw a fan pattern along with how to use the fan lines to properly manage risk. This lesson works in conjunction with The 1% Rule for Managing Risk. Please be sure to review both videos before applying these strategies to your trading account.
Trailing the Stop
As a stock breaks out into new higher territory, it’s important for the investor to protect profits. It would be a good idea to review two other educational videos before entering into this strategy. The first video to review would be “The Role Reversal” and the second would be “The 1% Rule” for managing risk. […]
Equity Oracle: 11/28/13
I am in love with contingent buy orders. They are a great way to remove a lot of the risk because you are forcing yourself to wait for the buyers to take control of the stock. Last week an alert went out after the close on Nov. 22nd to buy COCO and the instructions were […]
Equity Oracle: 11/22/13
I am in love with contingent buy orders. They are a great way to remove a lot of the risk because you are forcing yourself to wait for the buyers to take control of the stock. The other great thing about the contingent buy order is that it allows you to keep your stop loss […]
Equity Oracle: 11/14/13
We have been doing very well with the cheaper stocks so we are going to stick with this strategy for a while until we see a reversal in the trends. Eagle Bulk Shipping, Inc. (EGLE) is moving towards a key role reversal support level that will not only help us with an entry point but […]