Options Oracle: 11/20/20

TOO 112020

On Monday we took our profits on AMD when we closed out of our Diagonal Calendar Put spread for a nice return. This time we are going the other way with a long diagonal calendar call spread. Just follow along with the instructions I’ve laid out for you below and relax with the position.

The link below will bring you a video that explains the overall strategy for this position.

I’ve also attached a PDF file that explains the technical signals behind the breakout strategy, as well as the trade instructions for entering the position.
Finally, the link below is all you will need to get into the Webinar I’ll be doing on Monday evening (Nov.23). We are now using Webex as the preferred platform, so there is no need to pre-register for the event. Just click on the link just 15 mins before we begin and you will be ready to go. Be sure to add it to your calendar:
Monday, Nov. 23rd, from 6-7pm ET Password is: TEOTOO2020See link below:https://investitute.webex.com/investitute/onstage/g.php?MTID=e6a78dcb6391061ff2fe88db47abbfdb8

To gain access to the PDF download and video, sign up for an Options Oracle Subscription!

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