Options Oracle: 04/04/18

TOO 040418

If you are not able to get this trade done today, then you should have plenty of time to get this one in tomorrow, on the opening. I’ve been hunting for trades that are not so time sensitive so we can all relax with the positions. You and I both know that there’s nothing worse than having to race the clock in order to get the trade in. Option traders have a much more relaxed stance in the market than equity traders do. Sure, there will be times when the trade needs to get done right away, especially when it comes to managing risk, but for the most part, volatility is the friend of those who trade options.

See link below for next trade candidate.
I’ve also attached a PDF file that outlines the details of the trade. Please be sure to review all of the material before entering any trades to your account.
Happy Trading.

To gain access to the PDF download and video, sign up for an Options Oracle Subscription!

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