Options Oracle: 01/27/22

TEO 012122

Hello Members,

I am getting an unusually high number of questions regarding the Diagonal Calendar Put spreads we are holding. In this video, I go through the spreads we are holding in the QQQs, IWM, DIA and SPY in an effort to help explain how to manage these positions moving forward. FYI…I did not add any new positions to our book because I want to make sure everyone is on the same page and understand how to track these spread positions, before adding any new positions, otherwise it may compound the confusion.

Note: this is a VIDEO ONLY alert.

(Expand Screen for Best View)

The PDF file below is a copy of the “Recipe Card” that I often refer to. This document outlines the process we follow for constructing new calendar spreads along with the instructions for how to roll the positions moving forward.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

To gain access to the PDF download and video, sign up for an Options Oracle Subscription!

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