This is another one of those stocks that’s giving us a long line up of buy signals. The link below will bring you to the most recent Trade Candidate from The Equity Oracle:
Please pay careful attention to the notes I’ve added at the bottom of the PDF file (Below). On the bottom of page 2, I’ve laid out the risk management plan so you are sure to limit the potential loss to a small amount, should the stock not move in the direction we expect it to go.
In the video I also mentioned that it would be a good idea to review the videos we have in our library so you can get more familiar with:
Bullish Engulfing Patterns
The Rubber Band Effect
The Role Reversal Line
Trading the Gaps and
Price Volume Divergences
These 5 videos explain in detail what we are seeing on the chart for AOBC.
Do your best to get the trade in before the close of the market today. If for some reason you are not able to put the trade on today, then put it in for the open of the market tomorrow morning.
Have a great trading day.