Archive by Author

Options Oracle: 02/14/14

Under Armour (Ticker UA) gapped up a couple of weeks ago but the signs are telling us the buyers are getting tired. The volume has been consistently dropping since the spike occurred the day of the gap and there is a nice role reversal target that can help us leg into a long-term diagonal calendar put spread. Once […]

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Options Oracle: 02/06/14

On October 25th, we bought the January 2015 390 Puts for $55.50 with an intent to turn this long put position into a diagonal calendar spread. Yesterday the stock filled the gap from October and formed a Doji Candle to the penny of that support level. Once again, I’m amazed at how accurate gap trading can be.

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Equity Oracle: 02/06/14

This is a weekly candle chart for Ford Motor Company (Ticker: F) Two weeks ago the stock close with a bearish engulfing pattern, which pushed the stock lower but this week, it looks as though we are going to close with a hammer pattern.

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Options Oracle: 01/31/14

This is the first time we are taking an option position in Dollar General. The stock is showing a textbook hammer pattern on a major role reversal support line, with a wide divergence from the 20-day moving average. These are all bullish signals that will help us make money on the credit put spread that we are initiating.

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Equity Oracle: 01/31/14

We’ve only traded Cirrus Logic one other time through a contingent buy alert and it was a profitable position for us. All of the signals are pointing higher for this trade candidate but once again we want to trade it safely. I have given you a contingent buy alert that requires a green candle above the most recent support […]

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Equity Oracle: 01/24/14

Today the Dow had its biggest one-day drop in seven months and it was enough of a sell-off to put investors on edge. Historically, the gold market has been inversely related to equities and it looks as though IAU is forming a possible breakout to the upside. This is our chance to capture a profit while all of the […]

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Options Oracle: 01/23/14

This stock is one of the craziest ones I’ve traded. Today the stock closed almost $55 higher from the previous close on positive earnings news and created one of the widest gaps in the stocks history. We already have a diagonal put spread on this one but we are going to add a vertical (debit) put spread on […]

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Equity Oracle: 01/16/14

Abraxas Pete Corp. (Ticker: ABAX) is one we made money on in 2011 and I’ve had this stock on my watch list ever since. Today the price closed with a bullish engulfing pattern after a bounce off of a role reversal support level. It’s one of the cheaper stocks we’ve traded but the technical charts […]

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Options Oracle: Expiration Week Alert 01/14/14

This Friday marks expiration day for the January option chain. We are currently holding positions in the following companies; Gold ETF (GLD), Diamonds Trust (DIA). Baidu, Inc. (BIDU), iShares Silver Trust (SLV). Netflix, Inc. (NFLX), Amazon, Inc. (AMZN), Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (DPS), AT&T (T), JDS Uniphase, Inc. (JDSU), Tesla Motors (TSLA), and Hershey Company (HSY).

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Options Oracle: 01/10/14

This stock has been a favorite of ours for many years. Hershey has an annual cycle that allows us to profit from the rally it goes through at the beginning of each year. It’s wonderful when you have a stock like this that you can count on but be careful, because this could be the […]

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